is it true?

Recently, I had the honor of presenting to a group of fantastic real estate agents, during which I was asked: what about negative self-talk? 

Yep, that negative self-talk is a B- isn’t it? 

Solution: question if it’s true. 

Look for evidence that it’s not true. 
Find evidence of how the opposite is (or could be) true. 
Choose to spend more time here, giving equal, if not more, airtime to the thoughts that serve you (rather than the thoughts that can take you down). 

It IS a choice. 

And remember, once you see something, you can’t unsee it. 

Let’s walk through an example. What if someone sold 16 units, but you only sold 6?

You think: she can do it, but I can’t. 
I’m doing “all the things,” but it’s still not working. 
I’m missing something. 
There’s some x-factor that she has & I don’t. 

You feel frustrated, discouraged, and irritated. 

You spend time spinning out in confusion rather than taking clear, direct & effective action. 

Question if it’s true. 
Look for evidence of how that is NOT true. 
Then, find evidence of how the opposite is true. 

If you sold six units, you must be doing something right. 
How did you sell those six? 
Specifically, what did you do or not do? 
What were the thoughts you were thinking? 
How did you feel when you thought those thoughts?  

Get back into that place.
Then, take action from here. 
Evaluate what is working, what isn’t working & what you want to do differently. 
Wash, rinse, repeat. 

P.S. I am a “tough love-er.” Sometimes I have to tell my brain to eff off. I do this from a place of fierce love. My brain and I have formed an excellent relationship, but I had to get tough and be strict first. Now that my brain knows my boundaries, we can both move about freely. And it’s a beautiful thing. 

P.P.S. If you’re interested in learning more, join me for my next (free) monthly webinar, Where to Begin- the first steps to designing a life you love in 2023, via Zoom on Thursday, January 12, 2023, at 11 AM MT. Click here to register & the link will be emailed to you.