you are not alone

So many of you think you’re the only one.

But you’re not.

I hear it from my clients all the time.

The worry.

The self-doubt.

The not being sure.

The not knowing.

You wonder if you’re doing it “right,”
if your boss thinks you’re a good employee,
if your coworkers think you help enough,
if the doctors think you take good care of their patients.

You even question yourself, wondering how in the heck you’ve made it this far.

And then it’s the change of shift; time to report off.
And you think- I barely held it together for these 12 hours, and now they will for sure find out that I don’t know what I’m doing.

And yet, you ARE doing a good job.

Your boss asks you how your day is, gives you opportunities, & good scores on your annual reviews.
Your coworkers thank you for your help & offer to help you, too.
The doctors collaborate with you in their patient’s care, asking for your input.

And yet you are anxious and worried about what they think.

But this does not have to be a problem.
Just look at the data.

All of your patients are alive & well.
You dispensed all of the medications correctly during your shift.
All the dressing changes were done & documented.
You don’t have any outstanding call lights.
One of your coworkers recently commented that you are a team player.
The doctors continue asking for your assistance & input.

The data doesn’t lie.

After that, how you feel about the job you do is mainly up to you–
and where you choose to focus.

If you are a Logan Health Whitefish Employee & would like to schedule a one-on-one coaching session, CLICK HERE to book a LHW Employee Coaching Session.

If you are not sure that coaching is for you, CLICK HERE to book a FREE Discovery Call, where you will discuss what coaching is and isn’t, determine what you would love to get out of your time together, and if &/or how Christine might provide support.

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