look for the possibility

It’s 4 PM, and your boss just asked to set up a meeting tomorrow. 

You immediately think, “Uh oh, I’m in trouble. What did I do now?” 

With dread, you agree to it, but you’re not available to meet until 11 AM that’s 19 hours- NINETEEN!! 

In the meantime, you have dinner plans with your girlfriends tonight, but there’s no way you’re going to be able to enjoy dinner with this meeting hanging over your head. Plus, your boss is so rude. Who does that at 4 PM?!?!? 

You go to dinner & complain to your friends. They all jump on board with you, complaining about what a jerk your boss is. You feel better for a bit, but it’s fleeting- that sense of dread is still looming. Plus, you just spent the last 20 minutes talking smack about your boss & that doesn’t feel good either. You go home drained & exhausted.

It’s 4 PM, and your boss just asked to set up a meeting tomorrow… You feel that sense of dread for a second, but you take a deep breath. 

You remember that you’re COURAGEOUS, a GOOD FRIEND, you love to have FUN and dance. Just thinking about that warms your heart- if even just for a minute.

You consider what happened, looking at the facts (that which are provable in the court of law):

At 4 PM, your boss said, “Let’s set up a meeting for tomorrow.”

As you’re considering this, you think- well, I’m not aware that I’ve done anything wrong, and even if I have, I’m not going to die from this. (I know this thought sounds drastic, but this is what our brains do- constantly look for danger and things we could die from. Our brains have not changed a lot in the past 100,000 years. )

So you take it another step thinking- 
Maybe my boss is looking to support me on my next project.
Maybe my boss wants to commend me on my last project. 
It’s possible they want to just check in with me and see how things are going.

Now, you see possibility; you feel present & optimistic and can genuinely enjoy your time at dinner laughing with your girlfriends. You go home filled up and joyous. 
