not enough

Not feeling like you’re enough can look like many different things: 

~hesitating to share your opinions or ideas at work

~feeling insecure about your appearance & comparing yourself to others

~avoiding taking on leadership roles or projects because you’re worried about failure or judgment

~feeling uncomfortable when you receive compliments or praise and then dismissing them or downplaying your accomplishments

~struggling to advocate for your own needs & preferences in relationships

~doubting your abilities and qualifications for promotions, even when you meet the required criteria

~being overly self-critical or focusing on your perceived flaws

~perseverating &/or not able to let go when you make a mistake

~hesitating to uphold your boundaries with micromanaging bosses, difficult colleagues, or mothers-in-law

~being reluctant to speak up or contribute to the conversation in social gatherings

~questioning your ability to provide guidance & support to your older children

~being overly concerned about what others think of you, seeking external validation for your self-worth

~hesitating to ask for help or support because you’re worried it would be seen as a sign of weakness… 

And these are just a few. 

Does any of this sound familiar to you? 

I call this not feeling like you are enough. 

Right now, 

just as you are, 

because you are, 

even if you don’t see it in yourself. 

If you’d like to learn how to 

Find Your Enoughness

Join my email list

And I will send you this FREE Masterclass

Where I’ll teach you how.

See you there.