2023 is going to be your best year ever 

Did you know that you could decide that right now? 

Yep, right here, right now, at the beginning of the year. 

Many of us think, “But I don’t know if it’s going to be my best year ever; I haven’t lived it yet.”

OK, you can wait until the end of the year to see what happens. 

Or you can decide now and make it your best year ever. 

What would be different in your life if you just decided to make this your best year ever? 

You would feel more empowered. 

You would make better decisions. 

You would do more fun things, have more adventures, travel more, and spend more time with your family- whatever is most important to you.

Simply because you have already decided that this will be your best year ever. 

But what about when things happen that are not so great? 

Know that life is 50/50- 50% good & 50% bad. 

Deal with it if/ when it comes up. 

Learn from it if there is a lesson to be learned by doing an evaluation- what worked, what didn’t, and what you might like to do differently.

Then choose to refocus on how this is (still) your best year ever. 

Find the evidence of how this is (still) true. 

Feel how it feels to be living your best year ever. 

Continue to make decisions about how this is your best year ever. 

Do the things that make this your best year ever. 

So that you have your best year ever. 

If you’d like support to live your best year ever, I’m living my best year ever, too; let’s do it together. 

Or join me on Thursday, January 12, at 11 AM MT for Where to Begin, a free webinar via Zoom, where you will learn how to assess your life to determine what you want and the exact next steps for designing a life you love. Click here to sign up.